
Safer Gambling updates - Royal Decree 176/2023

Here you can find out how the measures from the Directorate General will affect you. These changes, which we've implemented, are in line with Royal Decree 176/2023.

Safer Gambling categorization groups

We want to help potentially vulnerable players by using a new categorization system to check up on them.

There are two new categorization groups from September 15, 2023:

  • the Intensive Gambling behavior group
  • the Risky Gambling behavior group

What are your criteria for including me in these groups?

We'll include you in the Intensive Gambling behavior group if:

  • You’re 25 years of age or younger and incurred losses equal to or higher than 200€ per week over 3 consecutive weeks.
  • You’re 26 years of age or older and you incurred losses equal to or higher than 600€ per week over 3 consecutive weeks.

Before we include you in the Risky Gambling behavior group, we consider a lot of factors first. These are (but not limited to):

  • The intensity and frequency of your gaming activity.
  • The volume of deposits and net losses.
  • The identification of potentially harmful patterns.

What happens if I’m included in one of these groups?

We'll let customers in the Intensive Gambling behavior group know about their activity on a regular basis.

For the customers in the Risky Gambling behavior group, we'll:

  • Ask them to acknowledge a review of their recent activity.
  • Regularly send updates about their status.
  • Apply these restrictions:
    • The temporary restriction of the account if they don't acknowledge their activity.
    • Restricted use of credit cards.
    • The discontinuation of eventual VIP privileges.
    • The inability to receive and take part in any promotion or bonus programs.
    • Removal from any mailing list for commercial and promotional purposes.
    • The ability to only use payment methods registered in their name.

Could you remove me from these groups?

Your inclusion in these groups can be temporary.

We'll remove you:

  • From the Intensive Gambling behavior group if you've not reached the relative losses thresholds after 6 continuous weeks.
  • From the Risky Gambling behavior group once you no longer meet the inclusion criteria.
Pre-session gaming limits

Setting up gaming limits before you play cash, Zoom and Casino games is now mandatory. You can choose the time and your net loss limits. There's no need to do this for tournaments or Sports betting. These gaming limits replace the previous slot session and loss limits.

These limits apply to the same gaming session until you either reach your limit or log out. If you reach your limit and want to continue playing those games, you'll need to set your gaming limits again.

For the time limit, you can choose a maximum of 8 hours. There is no limitation on the amount you can set for your net loss limit. It also factors in your winnings from cash, Zoom and Casino games you won during the session.

If you bring to a Poker table the same amount you set as your net loss limit, you'll reach your loss limit immediately. You'll still be able to play that game but you won’t be able to rebuy or open a new table until the game concludes.

How do I set up my gaming limits?

When you select a Casino game or buy in or sit at a table of a cash or Zoom game, you'll see this window:

This means you have to set a time and net loss limit to play. This measure also applies to Free Spin Bonus and Instant Bonus sessions.

How do you calculate the net loss?

We subtract the value of your winnings from your spending during a session. Examples of winnings include cash returned from all Poker cash games or wins from Casino. Your spending includes buy-ins with cash, Casino bets or spins made with cash. Transactions from Poker tournaments or Sports betting are not included.

What happens if I tick the box 'Restrict future play when one or both limits are reached'?

This feature restricts you from playing another session if you've reached your limit. It's optional.

You can choose between 1, 4, 12 or 24 hours. You won't be able to play cash, Zoom or Casino games (including Free Spin Bonus) for that period. You can still join Poker tournaments and place Sports bets.

If you apply this restriction, neither you nor we can reverse it. You'll be able to play those games again once the restriction period is over.

Can I change my gaming limits during my session?

No. But, once you reach your limits, you can reset them again to continue playing.

Do I need to set my gaming limits to play Free Spin Bonus (FSB) games?

Yes. Local regulation asks you to set your gaming limits to play these games. The 'restrict future play' option also affects FSB.

What happens when I reach my gaming limits?

Once you reach one or both limits:

  • You can't register for any other cash, Zoom or Casino games.
  • You can still finish all current hands or spins. After finishing them, your games will close.
  • No other restriction will apply unless you tick the box to restrict yourself from future play.

Reaching the limits won't affect your Poker tournaments or Sports betting.

To continue playing cash, Zoom and Casino games, start a new session. You'll see the gaming limits window and you need to set them again to play. There is no limitation on the number of times you set your gaming limits.

€5,000 winnings notification

Every time you win €5,000 or more, a notification will remind you that you can withdraw your funds.

60-minute session summary

Every hour, you'll see a pop-up message showing information about your gaming session. Here's an example of the message you'll see:

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